Instructional VIDEOS & PODCASTS


Below is the link to a 1.5 hour podcast of Kate talking with Gail Buhl, who works for Partners for Wildlife, housed at The Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota.  The new podcast, Wildlife Rehabilitation – Rescue to Release, is dedicated to licensed wildlife rehabilitators and the veterinarians who support them to raise their animal welfare standards in their rehabilitation programs.

Listen to the podcast HERE!




1. Identifying Dandelion Greens

Learn some easy tips for identifying young and flowerless dandelion from the many common dandelion look-alike plants so you can use this nutritious and prolific yard plant in your rehab practice with cottontails, bear cubs, deer and a slew of songbirds.

2. Collecting Dandelion Seed for Wildlife Rehabilitation

A short video to show how to collect common dandelion seed and prepare it to feed to wildlife rehabilitation patients or to store it.

3. How to Clean Sycamore Seed

A short 2-minute video shows you how to clean sycamore seed from its chaff.

4. Visiting Wally!

We visit Wally, a non-releasable eastern gray squirrel Education Ambassador, to see which wild foods he likes best in a taste test. Wild Foods 4 Wildlife visits the Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center of Roanoke in 2020.