Thanks to the sustainable agriculture community and folks interested in preserving the resiliency and biodiversity of our human food chains, more and more seed swaps (also called seed exchanges) are occurring throughout the USA to make sure that small, but regionally adapted varieties of plants are being protected. Usually these pertain to domestic garden plants, but natives can be found or swapped, too!
I want to lend a shout out to this important agricultural movement and encourage anyone who is interested to find out more and participate. If you end up being someone who catches the bug of foraging wild seed, then seed swaps could be a great way for you to take all this seed stuff to the next level.
National Seed Swap Day is the last Saturday of January, but seed swaps get scheduled anytime around that date. Google search to see where you can find one, or get in touch with your local Master Gardeners or folks from your local Community Supported Agriculture.
Check out the Seed Savers Exchange