Feel free to send questions or comments to Kate Guenther.

I wish to express my deep gratitude to a few special friends and folks who have especially supported me along the way on this project:
- First and foremost, to the Plant Tribe: the woody and the herbacious ones who create such abundant gifts for me to admire, forage and study.
- Ken Hearst For ongoing support for me to pursue my paths: I made a good choice.
- Charlie Davis For generously giving of his time and expertise to mentor me and get me started exploring plants– you’re the best!
- Sandi James-Yi For sharing generously her time, expertise and insights and helping me wrap my head around toxicology.
- Kamana Naturalist Training Program at Wilderness Awareness School For helping me penetrate the “wall of green” and leading me to taxonomy and understanding the relationships of plants.
- The National Wildlife Rehabilitators’ Association For granting me permission to use Marcy Scott’s lovely data.
- Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary For allowing me unfettered photographic access to their wonderful people, facility and the wild patients in their care.
- The Wildlife Center of Virginia For giving me the opportunity to serve my wild neighbors.
- Living Earth School For nourishing and mentoring me.
Truly, thank you, all~ Kate Guenther, Ed.S, MA
Behind the Scenes
Clayton Hamshar is an independent web professional in central Virginia who helped bring everything together under the hood and build this massive project from a dream into online reality. He’s always looking to take on new projects, especially for interesting and creative causes, so feel free to check out his website and drop him a line! Feedback or suggestions for Wildfoods4Wildlife are of course welcome as well.